
How to Attract Money Easily and let it Chase You!


there are no emotions in business!

Don’t be afraid to attract money. Okay so for years I was chasing MONEY and people and quickly realized that I wasn’t getting anywhere. The keys to success if not to chase anyone but let them or whatever you desire to be attracted to you. After listening to Dr. Myles Munroe about how to become successful that’s when I quickly rewired by brain and lifestyle to attract the things that I wanted to desire the most. So here is what I did to change my mindset and lifestyle in 2018 to bring in loads of MONEY!

Attracting Money is Easy!

Write it down!

If you’re trying to attract anything or anyone the first thing that you need to do is WRITE IT DOWN! No I really mean it! when I wrote down my life’s goal I gain a sense of freedom, responsibility, and discipline to carry out each goal that I had written down on my paper. Writing stuff down not only holds you accountable for your own actions on paper but also holds a memory in your mental and physical state.

After I wrote down that I wanted to make $100/day from my online business of running a blog. I hold myself accountable for working towards that goal and started crossing off my goals on my piece of paper that I had conquered. I also research how to make money online and watch videos on YouTube on how to make money from home. So get a sheet of paper go in a quiet place and write it down.

Focus on your Life’s Purpose

Okay this may seem like a no brainer but for some it’s not! I can’t stress this enough to find out what your life’s purpose is in life. Are you good at singing? Do you work well with computers? Do you cook the best fried food in town? Whatever your gift is from God than that’s what you should be doing right now!

When you get in your purpose you start to attract all kinds of people that can help you get to the next level in life and also the relationships you desire. When I finally realized my purpose and stop running away from it and focused on that purpose and not others that’s when I started to attract businesses, people, and money. Find out what your purpose is in life and focus on it.

Affirmations and Meditation

After I started working my purpose not only did I learn a lot of things about myself but I also learned that I could have anything that I wanted and desired. I would say my affirmations every morning and than meditate. Once I started reprogramming my mind that I do deserve the money that I DESIRE than that’s when everything started changing for the good for myself and others around me who were uplifting me and was on my side when making good decisions in my life.

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